Compiling medication for residents every day is a responsible task for out-patient nursing facilities. Nursing personnel often spend a great deal of time on this task – time which may be lost in other areas. At the same time, this task is associated with great responsibility. IHRE APOTHEKER offer a solution for this conflict in the form of automated blistering of pharmaceuticals for individual patients.
In order to relieve the strain on out-patient nursing facilities, IHRE APOTHEKER offer a service which entails individual blistering of medication for residents. This involves us compiling individual tablet rations as required: practically packed in tubular film (blisters) for the respective days of the week and times of the day. Important intake instructions are automatically marked and imprinted by our pharmaceutical personnel.
Our primary goal is to increase the commitment to therapy of older people and those requiring nursing care. We draw up individual medication plans which we also document. If the medications plan changes, we adapt the individual blisters to the new specifications without delay.
We also offer you various services for optimising the provision of pharmaceuticals for your nursing staff, e.g. training your nursing staff, frequent inspections of pharmaceutical stocks and pharmaceutical support, especially with regard to interactions by various medications.
The main advantage of automated individual blistering is the certainty that administration and intake errors are minimised. Double orders and double prescription requests are also practically eliminated. Our Quality Management guarantees that each resident receives his medication exactly in accordance with the medication plan specified by the doctor. This means an end to compiling tablets and capsules and the entire process of prescription management which in turns leads to a significant relief of the burden borne by nursing personnel.
Registered nurse for nutrition therapy
+49 (0) 6171 - 9161 100
+49 (0) 6171 - 9161 108