Traumatic or post-surgery patients as well as cancer patients and elderly people can swiftly succumb to malnutrition. High-quality nutrition therapy is dependent on a wide variety of medical, technical and above all pharmaceutical factors. IHRE APOTHEKER themselves avail of this particular expertise and are equipped to handle any situation.
IHRE APOTHEKER organise discharge management in the hospital. We contact the patient, obtain information on his/her current medical situation, support everyone involved in planning out-patient treatment and clarify the assumption of costs with the service-providers.
In the patients' homes, we provide professional instructions and training on handling the products used and guarantee continuous support by our qualified personnel. We organise all materials and processes required for out-patient nutrition therapy and support the attending physician and nursing service in terms of economical therapy planning.
We work independent of individual manufacturers to the benefit of both prescribers and supply partners. Our pharmaceuticals production in accordance with § 13 AMG (German Medicines Act) enables us to provide individually prepared medication ready for application at short notice – apart from high-quality finished products – at all times and on request. We offer a 24-hour emergency service.
Less administrative effort for clinics thanks to our professional discharge management. Economical therapy planning for doctors and nursing services thanks to quantity planning and demand-oriented, free delivery. Therapeutic support for out-patient nursing services in the form of continuous patient support comparable to the quality of hospitalisation.
Pharmaceutical technical assistant
+49 (0) 6171 - 9161 100
+49 (0) 6171 - 9161 108